编者注:前几日耶鲁大学环境科学硕士的高煜芳童鞋此次带着两名肯尼亚从事大象保护的青年人Resson Kantai和Christopher Kiarie到中国,希望能够与更多中国的公众分享他们所做的研究与工作,介绍非洲象的生存状况和在肯尼亚进行的象群保护工作,让更多的中国人了解遥远的非洲土地上的象群的命运是如何与中国发生关联,应该如何正确地认识复杂象牙贸易背后的问题。他希望能够通过此次的交流行动让更多公众开始关注大象保护议题,也为中国和肯尼亚的环保圈子搭建一座桥梁。




6月8日 | 广州

来自肯尼亚的Resson Kantai Duff 和 Chris Kiarie终于在广州与小高碰面。广州的CAPE分享会是在提供场地支持的“一起开工社区”举行。


文/Resson Kantai Duff




我和Chris、小高进行了第一次演讲。我认为大家的表现都值得称赞。我为大家介绍了何为关键物种,同时我晓之以情,讲述眼见母象作为象群之主因为象牙被猎杀的哀伤,(headsof families)自己作为肯尼亚人眼见国家失去重要生态数据和所骄傲的物种的难过。Chris的演讲则侧重在肯尼亚大象偷猎和象牙贩卖造成的经济损失和对国家安全带来的隐患,给出了更加强有力的论证。小高最后出场,将视角拉回中国。他坦诚分享了他对中国象牙市场的深入研究,也举出了有力论点,说明为什么大家都应该加入保护大象的行动中来。我们每一个人的演讲都进一步揭示了这一复杂问题的残酷现状,同样,每个人也带来了一丝光亮和希望的火苗。我们一致认为:不论在个人层面还是国家层面,我们必须通过共同合作来解决这一问题。



Embers of hope

Resson Kantai Duff

A flurry of activity has followed my arrival toGuangzhou; walks in the park watching retired people perform Chinese traditional theatre arts; eating street food on busy, hazy alleyways under the spindly aerial roots of the rong shu tree… to sampling dim sum in the old oriental district.

I soak it all in as I prepare for why I came. I cameto be part of the dialogue on the ivory trade and elephant conservation. Andwhat better place to start than the Wi-gather centre, a place where ideas arehatched, with the youthful positive energy of Nairobi’s iHub? It all began with group conversation on Wechat, getting logistics and venue sorted out in a matter of minutes, fuelledby young Chinese who want to be part of the conversation, the solution. Theenergy of the crowd is palpable as the numbers slowly swell to about three dozen, everyone here for different reasons, but all hear for the same purpose.

Chris, Gao and I give our first presentations, which I feel complimented each other well. While I gave a view of what researching akeystone species is like, and appealed to the heart-rending pain of losing theheads of families, important ecological data and national pride, Chris gave acogent plea, focussing on the economic losses and security concerns created inKenya through elephant poaching and ivory trafficking. Gao came in last,bringing our story home by speaking frankly about his in-depth research onivory markets in China, raising potent points about why everyone should beinvolved in teasing apart the issue. Each presentation brought closer the grimrealities of this complex problem; equally, each gave glimmers and embers ofhope. Our joint solution: We must work together to solve the problem, asindividuals and as countries.

In the wee hours of the dawning week, we arestrategizing on our next steps. I am both egged on and daunted by the sheernumber of Chinese youth who want to experience elephant conservation as I doevery day –I’m hoping moreorganizations open their doors to receive them and help set ablaze these embersof hope.

Chris Kiarie当天的博文








It’s a Sundayevening. I am seated in a downtown hotel lobby. I had a long 9 hour flight fromAddis Ababa. In the plane, seated next to me are a Chinese gentleman and aTanzanian lady. We relate well from the moment we board the plane to the momentwe alight. As each one of us watches the movies we have selected on ourrespective screens, I can’t help but wonder what is on their minds. On theother hand, I already know what is on my mind. I look forward to an engagingSunday. Immediately I land in Guangzhou China, I meet avolunteer holding a placard with words “ElephantsKenya” and my name appears below. I wave ather and she has the most inviting smile. Just what was needed after a tiring9-hour flight. She asked for her parents’ car to receive me. This is thefriendship I am used to back home. She takes me straight to a work stationwhere I meet a group of young curious Chinese students. They are all curious about elephants.

As the room fills up, you can sensetheir excitement. For the first time in their lives, they are about to meetindividuals who are have personally experienced been in close proximity withelephants. Gao, our host, is busy setting up thestage, getting the presentations ready for the slideshow. Meanwhile, Resson and I are engaged with the youngChinese visitors. They have questions on how best to engage therespective authorities so as to make progress in the conservation ideas theyhave in mind, they want to know what experience we have had in the field, whatchallenges we have encountered. Interesting conversations take place. This is the first meet-up.

During the presentations that follow,people are so excited that more and more questions come up. They want to knowhow they can help. Some already have pretty cool ideas. They are very touchedby the new perspectives they have just heard. They are touched by what theyhave just seen. They want to help. This is the kind of new perspectives we wantto see.

6月9号 | 广州


文/Resson KantaiDuff





As the days go by, I feel further and further awayfrom home. It seems this ivory trade is the same for many of the people we meethere. I’ve heard them say it dozens of times over the past few days “ivorytrade is ‘far away’ from our reality.” I believe them. Most have not everseen ivory. They say Li Bingbing and Yao do good work, but that’s just what celebritiesdo. They want a connection. I see a connection. In almost every talk we’vegiven, someone has said that given a chance, they might have asked for ivoryfrom someone coming from Africa. This means that without even thinking aboutit, many are in fact engaged or involved…because ivory is beautiful, it ispure, it is a long term investment. They need a connection with elephants, todisconnect them from ivory. Our internship program could provide this: regularChinese contributing to elephant research, meeting the elephants we know forthemselves, and beaming it out to their “reality.”

Maybe this is too idealistic. But in a land where oneman led an idealistic revolution that forged the foundations of this Herculeannation, I’d like to think we are in good company.

文/Chris Kiarie






Slow morning. Preparing for the day’s presentationsare next on agenda. With the new perspectives that we got yesterday regardinghow our Chinese friends would like to engage in the elephantconservation work, we look forward to even more ideas. One student, who graduates from high school tomorrow, was very interested in the topic that she chose to extend her stay in town for one more day, so as to spend time with us and be more informed on the elephant conservation issue. This commitment represents the spirit shown by the larger majority.

In the hotel lobby, this American guywalks up to me and is interested in the work we are doing. He is happy that wehave thought of engaging the Chinese young people. He says that he is aware ofthe international campaign for the elephants’ conservation. It is encouraging to learn that themessage is getting to all people. We hope that this international awareness matures into more elephant conservation actions and support from the people and institutions who count.

Now seated in the lobby after anafternoon and evening full of activity, we remember the commitmentshown from the people we met today. More platforms to spread the elephantconservation message have risen, through the various people we have met today.The use of libraries and very innovative social inventions that can be used toengage more youth in the education program came up in the discussions we hadtoday. Creative ways to make more impact than what is already been used. Thefeeling that grows is that with a nudge in the right direction, much more can beachieved. With more understanding from our side about the limitations thatappear from this side, we would come up with creative ways to engage the publichere. With more knowledge about what is happening in Africa on this side of the world, elephants will have won great conservation friends.


高煜芳,耶鲁大学环境科学硕士,主修野生动物保护和政策科学。他专门研究非洲象保护和象牙贸易,曾在肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、博茨瓦纳、香港、中国大陆和美国做田野调查。他本科就读于北京大学,并先后在国际野生生物保护学会(WCS)、山水自然保护中心和年保玉则生态保护协会参与保育研究和实践。他曾在非洲象保护峰会(African Elephant Summit)上为非洲部长级官员做报告,也曾与国际保护组织高管分享过他的象牙研究。更多关于高煜芳自然野生动物保护的信息,详见CAPE文章《国际视野和本土实践——一名成长中的自然保护科学家的故事》;美国《国家地理》对高煜芳的采访文章《A young Chinese Conservationist Discuss His Country’s Role in the Ivory Trade》

Resson Kantai 是环保组织Save the Elephant的项目官员,该组织在过去两年接待了姚明和李冰冰参访他们在桑布鲁的大象研究和保育项目。Kantai也是Kenya Elephant Forum的协调人。她同时也是专门报道生物多样性和CITES等国际公约情况的撰稿人。她是英国牛津大学自然保护硕士专业毕业生,主要研究方向是基于社区的自然保育、人与野生动物冲突。她在内罗毕大学完成了动物学的本科专业学习。

Christopher Kiarie 是环保机构WildlifeDirect的项目翻译,是该机构Hands Off Our Elephants倡导项目的中文翻译。他同时也一直在追踪肯尼亚的野生动物盗猎的犯罪案件。他在肯尼亚莫伊大学(Moi University)学习旅游业和野生动物管理专业,主修法律与政策、基于社区的保护、野生动物管理利用方向。他也曾在重庆师范大学学习中文,拥有高级中文证书(Advanced Certificate in Mandarin)。