这篇文章探讨了瑞典人的性格与酒精的微妙关系,过程中也透露了我对瑞典人嗜酒的诧异与不解。不过我相信即使文化不同,表面上的行为不同,来自五湖四海的人还是可以成为朋友;决定不同国家的人是否能成为朋友,个体差异的作用大于文化差异。纯属杂谈随感,语言也颇口语化,读者毋要认真。因为文章原始发发布求英文,而最近忙于考试未能来得及翻译,如给部分读者带来不便,还请见谅. In the culture where I grew up, people are curious about foreigners. I have been a foreigner in Sweden since Aug 2010. And I remain curious about the world around me, even though I’ve been here more than one year, it’s still new to me. I‘m going to tell you several things which I don’t understand about Sweden 😀 It is……