我要前所未有地勇敢去追寻更好的自己——读Lean In有感
文/谌菲 First and foremost, I want to thank my dearest B.F.F. for sending this amazing book on my 25th birthday. It was definitely the best gift that I could have ever imagined for my 25th birthday. And after I finished reading it, no words can describe the enlightenment this book gave me on the perplexing questions on my young mind for gender issue and work-and-life balance. 还记得那是09年4月的某一天,我收到一封来自复旦的朋友的邮件,说她要参加“铂菁女生”复旦校区的总决赛了,希望朋友同学都去现场支持她。这个比赛是麦肯锡和新浪财经主办,在国内七大高校选拔具有未来女性领导力的女生进入麦肯锡量身打造的培训项目,包括名企实习和拥有一位麦肯锡女性高层作为mentor的机会。因为之前定期读《职场》杂志让我对这个比赛有……